
In accordance with Article 11 of the law on Public Organizations and Associations of Citizens – revised text (National Gazzette 88/01), this Constitutional Assembly in Zagreb, on June 9, 2008, has adopted



I. General Provisions

Article 1.

(1) The Croatian United Nations Association (hereafter the Association), is an association in which citizens join to realize the common aims and objectives stipulated in this Statute.

(2) The Association is a non-partisan, non-profit and non-governmental organization, with legal entity attributes.

Article 2.

(1) The Association is registered at the Registrar of Associations of the Republic of Croatia, at the State Administration Office in Zagreb.

(2) The name of the Association is:


the Croatian abbreviation being: «HDUN».

(3) In its foreign communications and transactions the Association is allowed to use


the English abbreviation being: «CUNA». The English title is used together with the Croatian one.

(4) The location of the Association is in Zagreb.

(5) The Association shall operate on the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

(6) The Association is a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (hereafter the Federation), with its headquarters in New York (1 United nations Plaza, New York 1001, United States of America) and Geneva (Palais de Nations, Geneve 1211, Switzerland). The Federation enjoys the support of the United Nations General Assembly (Resolution A/RES/41/68, dated December 12, 1986), that invited governments (of United Nations member states) to support the work of the Federation and its members, and their joint efforts in the promotion of the goals and values of the United Nations (hereafter the UN).

Article 3.

(1) The work of the Association is open to the public.

(2) Publicity is pursued by:

– informing members at the Assembly plenaries, or between the plenaries with written reports on the Association’s activities;

– providing information about the Association’s activities to its partners and beneficiaries;

– providing information to the authorities, the media, and other interested parties;

– making the activities of the Assembly, and other organs of the Association, public;

– submitting reports to the authorities concerned;

– organizing meetings and other events;

– setting up a web-site with information about the Association’s activities;

– publishing newsletters and other printed information, in accordance with existing laws.

Article 4.

(1) The Association has its emblem, with the following appearance:

A white surface in the centre of which is the emblem of the United Nations in blue, around which is a circle divided in an upper and lower section, respectively bearing the name of the Association in Croatian and in English. The emblem has a blue circle around it.

(2) The Association has the permission for using the United Nations Association

name and logo, issued by the Federation.

II. Representation of the Association

Article 5.

(1) The Association is represented by its President and two Vice-Presidents

(2) Legal matters, on behalf of the Association, that represent a commitment on the

part of the Association and exceed the amount of 2, 000 (two thousand) kuna,

can be decided upon only by the Presidency of the Association; and those that

exceed the amount of 10, 000 (ten thousand) kuna – only by the Association’s


III. Aims and Objectives

Article 6.

(1) The Association was founded with the aim to promote goals, values and missions

of the UN, as stated in the Charter of the UN, all international agreements and

recommendations of consequence, and other documents that were or will be

issued by the UN.

(2) The Association has the following tasks aimed at the fulfillment of its objectives:

– to inform the public, especially youth, children and students, about the basic documents of the UN, as well as its aims and activities;

– to inform the broad public with the activities of the UN in the fields of international cooperation, human rights protection, fight against agression, and other areas of work of the UN;

– to work on broadening awareness of the need for lasting peace and security in the world, the solution of international issues through peaceful means, the safeguarding of international peace as a condition for humanity’s progress;

– to engage in the protection and advancement of human rights; by raising awareness about the importance and significance of the respect for human rights as a basic principle of the UN, and informing the broad public about the documents and human rights principles supported and promoted by the UN;

– to inform institutions and the general public about the activities of the UN in various areas of political and technical cooperation, such as the protection of human environment, the world heritage protection and others;

– to collaborate with various organs and agencies of the UN, with the aim to produce and distribute scientific and popular editions in connection with topical and long-term questions and problems in the sphere of international relations and especially with regards to the status, role, problems, commitments, programmes and actions of the UN;

– to organize lectures, panel discussions, seminars, round tables, expert and scientific workshops with the aim of fulfilling the Association’s objectives;

– to develop cooperation with relevant authorities of the Republic of Croatia, especially when it comes to anniversaries of important UN programmes, actions or documents;

– to adequately observe major days and actions of the UN;

– to collaborate with other United Nations Associations, the Federation, and the UN itself, with all its agencies and organs;

– to actively participate in international conferences, meetings and events related to the Association’s objectives.

(3) In order to pursue its goals, the Association can establish employment relations and conclude piece work agreements, based on decisions made by the President or

the Presidency. In accordance with national law, in case of need, the Presidency can decide to occasionally employ certain individuals, on an ad hoc basis.

IV. Membership and Membership Fees

Article 7.

(1) Every citizen of the Republic of Croatia who is dedicated to the aims and

objectives of the Association, endorses its statute and signs allegiance, can become a member of the Association. Foreign citizens who are legally eligible may also become members of the Association, as well as legal entities (such as other organizations).

(2) The Association’s Assembly can assign a special honorary member status to

individuals of special merit in realizing and promoting the UN aims and principles in their political, scientific, academical and public work.

Article 8.

(1) A person becomes a member upon his/her request, and the subsequent approval of the Presidency.

(2) The interested party has the right to recourse to the Assembly against the Presidency’s decision, within 15 days. The Assembly’s ruling is final.

Article 9.

(1) The rights and obligations of the members of the Association are:

– to directly take part in the activities of the Association, its organs and other bodies;

– to elect and be elected to the main organs and other bodies of the Association;

– to be informed about the work of the Association, its organs, bodies, as well as its material and financial affairs;

– to make proposals, give comments and express views on the activities of the Association, its organs and other bodies;

– to take part in the realization of the aims and objectives of the Association;

– to safeguard and promote the name of the Association;

– to pay membership fees.

(2) No one can be elected more than 3 consequent times in the same body, or on the

same function within the Association.

Article 10.

(1) Membership in the Association may terminate due to:

– decease of a person/liquidation of a legal entity

– withdrawal,

– a personal request by the member,

– expulsion.

(2) A member of the Association who:

– does not conform to the principles and aims of the Association

– does not conform with this Statute and/or other general documents of the Association

– damages the prestige of the Association by his/her action

– does not pay the membership fee for 2 consequent years

may be expelled from the Association.

(3) The Association’s President initiates the disciplinary proceedings upon a decision

made by the Assembly, the Presidency, the Supervisory Board, or by the President himself. Disciplinary proceedings that concern the President himself can be initiated by any member of the Association, the Presidency, or the Supervisory Board.

(4) The Presidency is responsible for the expulsion of a member, who has the right to

recourse to the Assembly within 15 days after the notification. The Assembly’s ruling is final.

(5) The Presidency may temporarily suspend membership rights of the expelled

member, until the Assembly’s final ruling.

(6) The suspended member must refrain from participating in the work of the Association’s organs, or exercising other membership rights, until the Assembly’s final ruling.

Article 11.

(1) All members of the Association have to pay membership fees, in the amount revised periodically by the Assembly.

V. Organs of the Association

Article 12.

(1) The principal organs of the Association shall be the following:

– the Assembly,

– the Presidency,

– the President,

– two Vice-Presidents,

– the Secretary-General,

– the Treasurer,

– the Supervisory Board, and

– the President of the Supervisory Board.

(2) The Assembly and the Presidency may establish their own standing, auxiliary,

advisory, temporary or occasional bodies and other organizational and executive forms, for specific tasks/activities. Standing bodies may be established for a maximum period of two years.

VI. Assembly

Article 13.

(1) The Assembly is the principal body of the Association, composed by all of its


(2) The Assembly has the following responsibilities:

– approves, amends or determines the Statute;

– passes documents elaborating and defining the work of the Association;

– adopts the financial plan and financial report;

– approves the Action Programme of the Association and its organs;

– decides on the amount of membership fees, and revises the amounts periodically;

– elects the Association’s President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General, Treasurer, President of the Supervisory Board, members of the Presidency and members of the Supervisory Board;

– evaluates annual reports of all the principal organs of the Association,

– brings decisions in respect of retributions and complaints after the responsible principal organs have ruled on them;

– decides on cooperation with related international and national organizations and associations;

– decides on legal contracts, that imply a financial commitment on behalf of the Association in an amount that exceeds 10, 000 (ten thousand) kuna.

– awards individuals and organizations for exceptional contributions to the work of the Association and the fulfillment of its objectives and tasks;

– nominates the Association’s delegate to the Federation, upon Presidency’s recommendation;

– performs other business relating to the activities of the Association, abiding by the Law and the Statute.

(3) The Assembly is entitled to make all decisions that are under the auspices of its organs.

Article 14.

(1) The Assembly shall meet in session once every year, or more often, if required.

(2) The President convenes the Assembly upon a decision of the Presidency, at the request of one-third of the members of the Assembly, or at the request of the Supervisory Board.

(3) Should the President fail to convene the Assembly within 30 days after the request was made, the Presidency will convene the Assembly. Should the Presidency fail to do so, any 10 members of the Association are authorized to convene the Assembly, in conformity with the provisions of this Statute.

(4) The decision for convening the Assembly has to include the reasons for its convening, as well as the agenda.

(5) Invitations for meetings of the Assembly have to be sent to the members at least 8 days prior to the date scheduled for the meetings.

Article 15.

(1) The Assembly elects its President, upon a suggestion by the Association’s

President. If he is not present, or fails to nominate the Aseembly’s President, suggestions will be made by the President of the Supervisory Board, or the members that convened the Assembly. The President of the Assembly opens presides over the Assembly’s meeting. His mandate lasts until the meeting is adjourned.

(2) The Assembly may take valid decisions if more than one-third of its members are

present. Decisions of the Assembly are passed when more than half of those present vote in favor. Half an hour after the official opening time, the Assembly can start with its work, even if less than one-third of its members is present, unless the number of members present is less than 10.

(3) The Assembly’s meetings are public.

(4) Protocols of the Assembly’s meetings shall be done, and confirmed by 2 persons elected by the Assembly.

Article 16.

(1) The mandate of all the principal organs and bodies elected by the Assembly shall

last one year. Voting in the Assembly is open, unless otherwise determined.

(2) Any elected member of any principal organs can be suspended before the

termination of his/her mandate in case of:

– irresponsible pursuit of his/her function, or

– serious violation of provisions of this Statute, or other general acts of the Association

VII. Presidency

Article 17.

(1) The Presidency, as the collective executive organ of the Association, is made up of 5 officials of the Association, respectively its President, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General, and the Treasurer.

(2) The President is automatically the President of the Presidency, as well as the Vice-Presidents who are Vice-Presidents of the Presidency, the Secretary-General who is the Presidency’s Secretary, and the Treasurer who is the Presidency’s Treasurer.

Article 18.

(1) The Presidency shall perform the following tasks:

– organize the work of the Association between Assembly sessions;

– propose the Statute, revisions and addenda, proposals and other acts for the approval of the Assembly;

– executes the financial plan and prepares a draft financial report;

– prepares necessary materials for the Assembly’s meetings, when convened at the request of the Presidency;

– makes suggestions for special awards to individuals and organizations in front of the Assembly;

– carries out the decisions of the Assembly;

– submits to the Assembly a report on the work of the Presidency itself, and on the work of other organs and bodies of the Association;

– determines the material and financial management of the Association, when that is not under the auspices of other organs/bodies of the Association;

– makes decisions about the acceptance of new members;

– makes decisions about the change of the Association’s address;

– appoints temporary, occasional ad special task forces for the fulfillment of specific tasks or other duties;

– deals with various matters within its competence under the Law, the Statute and other acts of the Assembly.

Article 19.

(1) Meetings of the Presidency shall be held as required but at least once every six


(2) Decisions are carried by a majority of the attending members of the Presidency.

(3) Meetings of the Presidency are called by the Secretary-General, in agreement with the President. The Secretary-General is obliged to call a meeting of the Presidency after the submission of requests:

– by a third of the Presidency;

– by the Supervisory Board;

– by 10 members of the Association.

(4) The provisions of this Statute, that relate to the Assembly’s work and meetings procedure, are likewise applied to the work and meetings procedure of the Presidency.

VIII. President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General, Treasurer

Article 20.

(1) The President represents and stands for the Association, and ensures the legal,

statutory, and regular performance and operation of the Association. The Vice-Presidents substitute for the President when the President is prevented from carrying on his/her duties, commitments and authorities, by absence or for any other reason, over limited or extended periods. Vice-Presidents are replaced under the same conditions by the Secretary-General. The President, in cooperation with the Secretary-General, carries out the decisions of the Assembly and its organs.

(2) The President and the Secretary-General coordinate the work of the Assembly

and its organs and ensure the legal performance of the Association. The President oversees the work of the Secretary-General and gives him/her suggestions.

(3) The Vice-Presidents substitute for the President when the President is prevented

from carrying on his/her duties. Under those circumstances, all the provisions of this Statute determining the obligations, tasks and responsibilities of the President will equally apply for the Vice-Presidents.

The Secretary-General is an auxiliary body of the President, that performs tasks delegated from the President, or from another organ of the Association.

The Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer:

– perform all the financial and technical operations and accounting for the Association;

– take care of the Association’s archives;

– take care about the regularity of the Assembly’s meetings;

– collaborate and maintain contact with relevant governmental, other national and international organizations and associations;

– perform other tasks in cooperation with the President.

(4) The Assembly may award the title of honorary president of the Association on

distinguished persons who are deserving for his/her successful and long-standing activity in realizing the principles and ideals of the Association and the UN.

IX. Supervisory Board

Article 21.

(1) The Supervisory Board consists of three members, out of whom one member is

elected as the President of the Supervisory Board.

(2) The Supervisory Board monitors the legality of all activities pursued by the

Association and its organs, as well as the appliance of all provisions of this

Statute and other general acts. It also monitors the material and financial management of the Association.

(3) The Supervisory Board informs the President and the Presidency, as well as the

Assembly, of potential irregularities. At least once a year, the Supervisory Board submits a general report to the Assembly.

(4) Decisions are carried by a majority of all members of the Supervisory Board.

X. Financial Administration

Article 22.

(1) The Association’s assets consist of property (over things), rights and financial

assets (funds).

(2) The Association shall accrue its revenues from membership fees, donations,

sponsorships and other sources. It may also accrue revenues from social, publicity, academical and other activities, as well as publishing, in accordance with the Law.

(3) All the revenues accrued may be used for the sole purpose of promotion of the

Association’s activities.

Article 23.

(1) Financial administration is carried out in accordance with the financial plan,

established by the Assembly on a yearly basis.

(2) The President acts as commander for the fulfillment of the financial plan or, in

the case of his/her absence, the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-General.

(3) The Treasurer of the Association carries out the current financial affairs, and

prepares financial plan drafts for all projects.

(4) The Association has a bank account at Zagrebačka banka. The President and

Vice-Presidents have a joint access to the funds. In the case of their absence,

the remaining two members of the Presidency may be allowed access to the funds, in accordance with the Presidency’s decisions.

XI. Termination of Work

Article 24.

(1) The Association shall terminate its existence if the Assembly takes such a

decision, or in other cases stipulated by the Law.

(2) The decision on the termination of the activities of the Association duly decides

about the disposal of the Association’s assets. Members of the Association may not be held liable for the Association’s obligations.

XII. Transitional and Concluding Provisions

Article 25.

(1) The Statute, as well as its changes and addenda, is passed by the Assembly, with

a two-third majority of all members present.

(2) Changes and addenda to the Statute may be proposed by the Association’s organs,

and by a third of all members.

(3) Proposals for changes an addenda to the Statute are submitted to the Assembly in

writing, through the Presidency.

(4) All general acts that are not in accordance with this Statute will be amended

within one year of the confirmation of this Statute in the Registrar of


Article 26.

(1) This Statute shall come into force on the day of its adoption and will apply from

the day it is confirmed by the State Administration Office in Zagreb.

The Statute was adopted at the Constitutional Meeting held in Zagreb on June 9, 2008.