Call for applications for the programme ‘UN Academy 2012’

Zagreb, 7 November 2011

The Croatian United Nations Association (CUNA) is opening a call for applications for participants of the educational programme ‘UN Academy 2012′. The programme is being organised in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia and with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America to the Republic of Croatia.

The aim of the program is to acquaint its participants with the structure and work of the United Nations, with a particular emphasis on the international financial system and international financial institutions as well as specialised UN agencies. At the end of the programme, participants will have basic knowledge about te UN system and its decision-making processes, the role of the United Nations in coping with the main global challenges as well as the relations between the UN, other international organisations and member states’ governments in reaching agreed goals and measures.

The UN Academy consists of twelve lectures divided into two main parts:

The system and organisation of the United Nations
The United Nations and the international financial system

Lectures will be delivered by leading Croatian experts and practitioners in the field of international relations who posess rich experience in dealing with the UN and the issues it deals with.

Lecutres will be held once per week, in principle on Wednesdays from 5pm to 7pm at the premises of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Petretićev trg 2, Zagreb. Changes in the schedule of lectures are possible depending on the availability of lecturers. The programme will start at the end of January 2012.

All citizens of the Republic of Croatia up to 35 years of age are eligible to apply. The selection of candidates will be made by a Selection Committee on the basis of the following cirteria:

Pronounced interest in international relations and/or the United Nations
Proven academic success or professional development
High personal motivation for further dissemination or application of acquired knowledge
Good knowledge of English

On the basis of an evaluation of received application against the above criteria, the Selection Committee will invite the most successful candidates to an interview and then select the 25 participants of the third generation of the UN Academy. Upon completion of the programme, participants will be awarded certificates of participation on the condition that they have attended a minimum of nine lectures. Participation in the UN Academy is free of charge.

Applications must include a curriculum vitae and a motivation letter (up to 300 words) in Croatian. Applications must be sent to by 21 November 2011. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The UN Academy 2012 builds on the success of the first two editions of the programme which attracted a large number of high quality applications and have been evaluated by participants with the highest grades.

The results of the selection process will be published in mid-January 2012 on this website. All candidates will be informed about the results of the call for proposals.

Posted in News.